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We create added value for all

  • A company that wishes to offset its gas emissions can do so by various means.  It can buy carbon credits, fund projects here and there, or look for more impacts and better return on investments by concentrating its efforts on its own value chain.

  • Hence, by funding directly projects that restore and preserve endangered ecosystems which they depend on, the company reduces its costs and consolidates its supply chain. It helps vulnerable rural communities and small farmers adopt agricultural practices that are more respectful of man and its environment, in order to secure better food and financial safety. It fights against climate change

  • Such projects create added value for everyone while generating high social and environmental value carbon credits.


General interest benefits by giving

back value to endangered ecosystems

that are vital for mankind.

Rural communities improve the quality

of their farms, their livelihoods,

their living and working conditions.

A virtuous circle that benefits all


Companies reinforce their brand identity

as well as their financial legitimacy by adopting

a more sustainable model. They consolidate their supply chains while creating value for rural communities and working for the common good.  They give their collaborators the opportunity

to put even more meaning

into their work.

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